Programming and Chili

I’m not sure if this was so funny because of the context or because it’s just funny but here is a quote that made me laugh more than anything I’ve seen on TV the new season (and that included The Daily Show).  This Steve guy is great.  I know he’s probably been around forever but his writing reminds me of Joel from Joel on Software.  His posts are so long though.  Doesn’t he know I have to get back to work?

Below is the quote from here:

When I was a teenager, my dad and my brother Mike decided to make homemade chili. I’d never seen it made before, and I watched with keen interest as they added beef, beans, some veggies and spices, and other ingredients. Dad would taste it, add some more ingredients, wait a bit, taste it again. My dad has some pretty good recipes. So you can imagine my puzzlement when he opened the cupboard, pulled out 2 cans of Hormel chili, opened them and dumped them in.

I waited a respectful moment or two before asking him why he was adding canned chili to his chili. They both said it tasted terrible, but, as my dad now-famously observed: “You can start with dog shit, and if you add enough chili, you get chili.”